SPRING WILL SOON BE HERE! Advertise your Winter Sales, Winter Festivals, Suppers, Fundraiser, March Break Activities, etc., in the Clare Shopper, get results - Distributing over 15,000 copies every two weeks to homes & businesses from Yarmouth to Granville. Call to place your ad, TOLL FREE 1-800-515-3080 or Ph 902-769-3267, Fax 902-769-0877 or e-mail to sales@clareshopper.com or on the web www.clareshopper.com. You can pay with Visa or Master Card or e-transfer.

INCOME TAX RETURNS: I can pick up your slips & drop off your Tax Return. Personal, self-employed or corporate. Accepting new bookkeeping clients. Serving Digby County. Call 902-540-7438 Alice Lombard

FOR SALE: Lumber, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 etc... can be sawn to your specifications. Ph. 902-769-8136 (Saulnierville)

BOTTLE DRIVE: When you bring your recyclables at the Depot in Meteghan Centre and wish to donate the proceeds to a good cause, please donate for the upkeep of the Belliveau Cove Boardwalk. Merci.

BABYSITTING & ELEMENTARY MATH TUTORING SERVICES: Offered in Weymouth area. Rates negotiable. Call or text 902-247-0169

LAND FOR SALE: 104 acres mixed wood forest in Waldeck, Annapolis County. Woods Rd runs into property with approx. 900 ft on the Waldeck Line Rd. For further info call 902-245-5868

SMALL JOBS, WINDOWS, DOORS, paint, drywall, etc. Phone Ralph at 902-769-0838.

WELL CLEANING: Well drained, bottom cleaned & disinfected, foot valve checked & replaced. Call 902-769-8136. PLUMBING SERVICE AVAILABLE.

FURNITURE STRIPING & REFINISHING. Call Edmond at 902-769-8804 or 902-645-2013 (Meteghan)

FOR SALE: Big Sale on Heritage Memorials. Large variety to choose from. Call Aldric & Dianne Blinn at 902-837-5777 (Grosses Coques)

PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT. Holy Spirit, you who make me see everything and who shows me the way to reach my ideals. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget all is done to me, and you who are in all the instances of my life and with me, I want to thank you for everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you, no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. A person, may pray this prayer three consecutive days without asking for their wish, after the third day, their wish will be granted no matter how difficult it may be. Promise to publish this dialogue as soon as your ‘favor’ has been granted. D.C.

Thank you St. Jude for prayers answered. S.M.S.

INCOME TAX RETURNS: I can pick up your slips & drop off your Tax Return. Personal, self-employed or corporate. Accepting new bookkeeping clients. Serving Digby County. Call 902-540-7438 Alice Lombard

THANK You St. Jude for favors received. S.D.E.

MACALPINE AUTO - 2014 Caravan, 140,000kms - $8,500ºº; 2010 Mazda 5 wagon, only 75,000kms - $5,900ºº; 2022 Ford Escape AWD, 45,000km - $19,900ºº; 2017 Dodge Journey, 4 cyl, only 98,000kms - $9,900ºº; 2015 Caravan Crew, 115,000kms - $9.900ºº; 2013 CRV, FWD, 160,000kms, comes with studded winter tires - $8,500ºº; 35’ Motor home - $24,900ºº; 2013 Kia Rio hatchback, auto, 100,000kms - $8,000ºº; 2015 Nissan Versa Note hatchback, 4 cyl, manual, only 85,000kms - $8,000ºº; 2014 Tiguan Highline AWD 180,000 km $5,900.ºº ATV batteries for sale at competitive prices. TRADES ACCEPTED ON ALL. All vehicles come with MVI and Rust Check undercoating. Phone 902-247-5005 or 902-837-5511. (Weymouth)

FOR SALE: 2015 Dodge Journey, 4 cyl auto, pw, pl, air, only 114,000kms, excellent shape in & out - $7,995ºº; 2016 Jeep Patriot 4x4, 4 cyl auto, loaded, leather, only 100,000kms, excellent shape in & out - $8,795ºº; 2011 Volkswagen Jetta, 4 cyl std, 158,000kms, very good shape - $4,995ºº; 2014 Chevy Cruze, 4 cyl auto, 154,000kms, very good condition - asking $5,495ºº. Trade-in considered. Ph. 837-5015 (Weymouth)

**DEADLINE for the next issue of the The Clare Shopper & Lobster Bay Shopper is noon Saturday, March 15th, 2025 with Publication on Thursday, Mach 20th, 2025.

**IT’S A GREAT DEAL! - when you place a classified ad in the Clare Shopper or Lobster Bay Shopper, it is also placed for FREE in our online editions, which is word searchable & accessible in our Classified Site for 12 months.

**ALL FOR SALE Ads will be published in the 30,000 copies of the Shopper for FREE. Ph 1-800-515-3080 or 902-769-3267. Read our ad in this Edition for more details.

**BELIEVE IT! IT’S TRUE! Our FOR SALE Personal Classified ads are FREE of charge, 30 words or less; limit 1 per customer per issue, NO BUSINESSES. Place your for sale items on 30,000 kitchen tables in South West Nova as well as on our on-line edition. Ph 902-769-3267 or Toll Free 1-800-515-3080 or E-mail sales@clareshopper.com

**LEAK REPAIRS” - Foundations/ Concrete Structures. High pressure injections. No digging. Guaranteed. Free quotes. Will travel. THE LEAK GUY (G&S Enterprises) anytime 902-762-0722 or 902-740-5799

**PRICE REDUCED BY $5,000. 1966 Corvair, 24,000 original miles, new tires and rims, refurbished, like new, excellent condition, airbag on all wheels. Must see! Phone 902-723-2156 or 902-635-1605. (Woods Harbour)

**FOR SALE: 1964 Ford Fairlane, 2 door hardtop, 289 engine, good shape. Phone 902-761-2769 or 902-740-5027.

**BUY / SELL USED Firearms, restricted & non-restricted. Phone Kevin at 902-837-5862 or cell 902-837-8295 (Weymouth)

**FOR SALE: 1989 Pontiac Sunbird Convertible inspected. Red and White in color. New timing belt, water pump, all new belts new wipers and headlight only 83,000 miles, Asking $6,000. Firm. Call Priscilla 902-648-4685

**FOR SALE: Bureau and matching end table. Computer desk and chair. Mansfield guitar and case. All in good condition. Call 902-881-2651.

**FOR SALE: Yamaha 12 string guitar and hard case; recliner lift chair; Raleigh Mountain bike, 27 1/2”. Call 902-245-8283 (Digby)

**FOR SALE: New John Deere tractors and lawn mowers, 0% for 60 months finance and lease packages. George’s Truck & Tractors. Ph. 902-649-2495. (Beaver River)

**FOR SALE: 1994 Mercury Cougar, blue, V8, 4.6 Litre, 157,380 km; Tonneau Cover fits Ford truck, flip back, $300.ºº. S.S. rails, $250.ºº. Phone 902-635-1735

**NOTICE: To better serve our readers and communities, we will now be publishing every issue an obituary column in the Clare Shopper & Lobster Bay shopper. This will be a FREE service to our readers up to 50 words. The obituaries will be 50 words for free, (includes free hotlinks) over 50 will be .25¢ per word; add a 1” photo for only $20. To place your obituary notice you can contact us by email - sales@clareshopper.com; Canada Post - PO Box 95, Church Point, NS B0W 1M0 or phone us 902-769-3267 or toll free 1-800-515-3080

**WE CAN HELP: Are you planning a benefit to raise funds to aid a family or individual who needs assistance due to medical condition? To assist members of our communities the Clare and Lobster Bay Shopper is offering FREE ADVERTISING SPACE to promote your benefit dance, supper or other fund raising activity for those in need. Note: this is for private individuals and families only and does not apply to groups and organizations. For more information contact - The Clare Shopper/Lobster Bay Shopper office at 902-769-3267 or toll free at 1-800-515-3080 or sales@clareshopper.com

**FOR SALE: 4 almost new Firestone Tire 265/75R/15 - $500ºº obo; White outdoor snow blower, commercial power steering also - $500ºº obo. Phone 902-837-4129.

**FOR SALE: 1930 Ford Model A 2 dr. Sedan. Runs great, very good condition. Always stored in garage, car cover. Body is blue with midnight black fenders - asking $18,500ºº. Phone 902-637-8194 or 902-723-0802 (Woods Harbour)

**FOR SALE: Hydraulic piston for truck hoist; Sawdust hopper for wood furnace, good for 24 hr.; planner round head, 30”; harrow disc & spring harrow for 3 pt hitch; barrel mill; Lincoln mig welder; metal lathe, 6’ long. Phone 902-769-2049, 267 Marc Comeau Rd.

**FOR SALE: Buoys and Balloons LD 4s, LD 3S, LD 2S, LD 1S. trailing buoys, jet buoys, crates and over 100 balloons. No tax. Phone 902-532-7249.(Annapolis Royal)

**FOR SALE: Electric wheelchair quantum series 600 - $4,000ºº. Phone 902-778-0851

**FOR SALE: Fishing gear, long lining gear, mackerel & herring nets, assorted anchors, some lobster gear. Leave message at 902-745-2895. (C.S.I.)

**FOR SALE: Antique bicycle C. 1965 - 3 spd std, ape hangers, sissy bar, banana seat, original tires. Great shape. Call 902-532-0998. (Annapolis)

**FOR SALE: Med size girls bike, super cycle; 1 old cast-iron radiators - $150ºº. 17 - 500ml bottles of homemade chow chow $8ºº/bottle or $136ºº for all. 1920 Trunk in mint condition $300.ºº. Call 902-761-3382 or cell 902-815-6075

**FOR SALE: New heavy duty work bench, built for electric wood splitter, stained. Can also work as stand for other tools. 4’ x 3’ wide x 2’ high. Ph. 902-645-3289 or text 902-778-0876. (Meteghan)

**FOR SALE: 2006 F150 XLT Triton, club cab, 4x4, 143,000 kms, excellent shape, senior owned, new inspection (till Nov. 26) & new snow tires - $12,000. Ph or text 902-691-3200 (Meteghan)

**FOR SALE: 2020 Kioti tractor, model 2610 with loader, 500 hrs & still under warranty - $25,000.ºº obo. Ph. Bob 902-748-0570 (Tusket)

**FOR SALE: Queen size double high air bed; Queen size winter sleeping bag both for $100ºº or $50ºº each. Racket come along, lifts or pull 3333 lbs $20ºº. All items only used once. Call 902-307-6438. (Yarmouth)

**FOR SALE: 2003 Dodge Ram 1,500, 4x4, inspected till Sept - $4,500ºº. Call 902-467-3987 (Bear River)

**FOR SALE: 5 gal rectangular aquarium with LED light $35.ºº; cat condo seldom used $50.ºº. Call 902-245-2591 leave message.

**FOR SALE: Ladies leather jacket dark brown by Marc Jacob’s, size med, ex shape $400.ºº. Hutch and buffet with light, matching table & 4 chairs (needs repair) $300.ºº. Call 902-320-1586 (C.S.I.)

**FOR SALE: 200 Fence stakes $3.ºº each, spruce and hackmatack. Call 902-742-1636 leave message (Yarmouth)

**FOR SALE: Set of 4 winter tires approx. 65% tread left, size 215/65/R16 on steel 5 bolt rims, in good condition - $100.ºº. Call 902-701-1731 (Digby Neck)

**FOR SALE: 6x1 ft. Flat deck trailer, Tandem axle, removable ramps and sideboard, asking $2,500.ºº. Small dump trailer, removable side boards, for ATV or lawn tractor, $400.ºº. Call 902-245-4969

**FOR SALE: Gas tank for 1998 GMC $75.ºº 1998 GMC 4x4 parts various prices. Zodiac blow up fishing boat $200.ºº. Complete exhaust system for 219 Chev or GMC $300.ºº. Tires 17” & 20” $50.ºº each. 5 bolt rims $25.ºº each. Call 902-308-9797

**JUST FOR TODAY: I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once. I can do something for 12 hours that would appall me if I felt that I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

**FOR SALE: Winchester xpr camo 6.5 creedmore, new in box - $1,000ºº; 2 boxes win 30/60-180gr, new - $50ºº each or both for $90ºº. Call 902-740-2249 text or leave message.

**FOR SALE: Cub tractor INT, has been rebuilt, changed 12 volt. All new electric parts. Works great. Call 902-761-3158 (Yarmouth)

**FOR SALE: Military Firearms - Lee - Enfields, ross rifle, mausers, springfield, M1 Garand, sniper rifle and more. Call 902-837-5862 or cell 902-837-8295.

**FOR SALE: 2016 Yamaha 700 Grizzly 4x4. 923 original kms many extras $9,500.ºº or open to offers. For more info or pics, text or call 902-247-0728.

**FOR SALE: 2017 Ford Escape new MVI - $7,995ºº; 2014 Ford Fusion 4 doors Auto 4 cal, new MVI, 195,000km, clean - $6,995ºº; 2012 Ford Mustang 6 cyl 5 spd - $11,900.ºº; 2016 Ford Edge 6 cyl auto, loaded, with leather - $10,900.ºº; 2016 GMC Terrain, 6 cyl AWD, 175,000 km - $8,950.ºº; 2017 Kia Sedona Van, good, clean, well maintained van - $12,995ºº. Goudey Auto Sales, 83 Parade Street, Yarmouth. Next to the Lions Club.
Call 902-749-6656.

**50th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! Smith Bros. Clean & Shine has been serving the Tri-Counties since 1974! 10% OFF ALL CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING when you mention this ad! Phone 902-742-3250 for an appointment!

**SPECIALIZING IN TRACTOR tires, tractor rims, tire repairs. vulcanizing, ATV to skidders & lawn tractor tires & tubes, welding, sand blasting, painting & undercoating. Jim’s Quick Tire Sales, 7 Hardscratch Road. For quick service, phone 902-742-6667. (Yarmouth)

**SPRING TIRE SALE!! New & used tires, many sizes available. Jim’s Quick Tire Sales, 7 Hardscratch Road. For quick service, phone 902-742-6667. (Yarmouth)

**WANTED: Buying small or large old record collections. Rock, Country, Blues and Jazz. Also turntables, receivers, speakers. Call or text Tom at 902-943-1947

**LAWN MOWING & bush hogging service. Call or text 902-740-6149.

**FOR SALE: Set of webbed tractor chains for sale. Fits tire size 14.9 X 24. Approx. 80 inches long by 26 inches wide. Good condition. Call 902-532-7194

**FOR SALE: 2021 Hyundai Kona Limited, red, 70,454kms, compact SUV, AWD - $22,888ºº; 2018 Hyundai Kona Ultimate, 256,248kms, white - $13,888ºº; 2018 VW Tiguan Highline 7 passenger SUV, black, 218,523kms - $14,495ºº; 2013 Dodge Dart, red, 214,238kms - $6,995ºº; 2012 VW Passat TDI, silver, 214,000kms - $7,495ºº. PERO’S AUTO SALES, 7-32 Country Crescent, Hebron - 902-742-4200

**HOUSE FOR SALE: 3 bdrms, 3.5 acres, roof 2 yrs old, some windows 2 yrs old, some new - $300,000ºº. Ph. 902-749-3245

**FOR SALE: 2011 Chev Silverado, 370,000kms, runs well - as is $1,500ºº. Ph. 902-837-7023 (Corberrie)

GREAT ANTIQUE PHOTOS OF S.W. NOVA! Check out our Collection of Black & White antique photos from our past issues at www.clareshopper.com

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING SPECIAL? ALL CLASSIFIEDS that were published for the last 24 issues (1 year) in the Clare Shopper are available on-line at www.clareshopper.com

EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT INTERVENTIONS SERVICES - Digby Site provides various services & support to families with children (birth-school entry) who have a developmental delay or are at risk of a delay in the Mun. of Digby, services are provided in the child’s house, FREE of charge. If you have any concerns regarding how your child is developing, please call 902-245-1900

**IS FOOD RUNNING YOUR LIFE & ruining your health? OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS meets every Mon., night at Beacon Church, 7-8pm. All welcome. For info Ph 902-749-5244 or 902-742-3725

**TRI-COUNTY PREGNANCY CARE CENTRE INC: If you are alone & need help & don’t know where to turn, call us. We offer free confidential pregnancy tests when requested. Information & support services regarding the various options available to the pregnant client. Call 902-742-3865 - tcpcc@ns.aliantzinc.ca (Yarmouth)

**PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meets the 1st Monday of each month at the Lions Club, Parade St., Yarmouth @ 7:00 pm. Spouses are welcome & encouraged to attend. For more info ph Walter 902-742-3401 or Eric 902-742-7367.

**WOMEN! ARE YOU EXPERIENCING Physical, sexual or emotional abuse from your partner? If so, call “JUNIPER HOUSE” 24 hours a day. Ph 902-742-8689 LOCALLY, or 1-800-266-4087 TOLL FREE, Digby - Shelburne.

**F.R.I.E.N.D.S. for depression, anxiety, addictions and related issues. No judgment, just acceptance from others in similar situations. We even have some fun and refreshments. We meet 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm, at the Temple United Baptist Church Hall in Barrington. For info, call Cheryl at 902-745-3283. Come along - all welcome. See you there.

*SPRING WILL SOON BE HERE! Advertise your Winter Sales, Winter Festivals, Suppers, Fundraisers, March Break Activities, etc. in the Lobster Bay Shopper, or send a message to your customers or friends (Birthday, anniversary...). Extremely effective & reasonably priced. Call today to place your ad. Toll-Free 1-800-515-3080 or Ph: 902-769-3267 e-mail: sales@clareshopper.com

*FINE FURNITURE REFINISHING: For more information call 902-307-0115.

*JOURNÉE POUR AÎNÉS 50+ de Par-en-Bas. GRATUIT. Le jeudi 13 mars, 10h-15h. Centre commmunautaire de Par-en-Bas, Tusket. Présentations et dîner de râpure. Limité à 100 personnes. Inscriptions nécessaires; contactez le CAPEB au 902-648-2253 ou capeb@capeb.ca au plus tard le 10 mars. Autres détails à www.facebook.com/comiteCARA